Legal notice

H-Riske Management GmbH
Registry court: Wuppertal Municipal Court
Registration number: HRB 23448
VAT ID number in accordance with Article 27 a USTG (Value Added Tax Law)
DE 276903465

Person responsible for content in accordance with Article § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (German Interstate Treaty on Media Services):

Helmut Riske
Managing director with sole authorization for representation, Dr-Tigges-Weg 15, 42115 Wuppertal



The content of these pages has been carefully written and reviewed. However, H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH does not guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, accurate, complete, or of high quality. Liability claims against H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH relating to material or immaterial damages that were caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by incorrect or incomplete information are excluded as long as there is no evidence of intent or gross negligence on the part of H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH. H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH reserves the right to change, supplement, delete, or cease publication of parts of the site or the entire web site without prior notification.



If H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH refers directly or indirectly to third party websites ("links"), H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH is only liable if it has exact knowledge of the content and if it is technically feasible and reasonable to prevent its use in the case of illegal content. The term "links" includes all technically possible references to written, graphic, image, and audio media. H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH hereby expressly states that the directly linked pages did not contain any illegal content at the time the links were created on the homepage. H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH has no influence whatsoever on the current and future structure of the linked pages and in particular to links to third-party sites and so on. H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH hereby expressly distances itself from any changes made to content after the links to these pages were created. This also applies to external entries in the guest books, discussion forums, mailing lists, and other communication forums set up by H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH. H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH is not responsible for the content, availability, correctness, and accuracy of the linked pages, their offers, links, or advertisements. H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH is not liable for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content, in particular damage that arises through the use or non-use of the information provided on the linked pages.


H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH strives to comply with the valid copyrights in all publications. If a violation nevertheless occurs, H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH will remove the respective item from its publication following notification or identify it with the respective copyright. All brands and trademarks mentioned on this website that are protected by third parties shall be subject without restriction to the provisions of the currently valid trademark laws and the ownership rights of the registered owner It cannot be concluded from the sole mention of trademarks that they are not protected by the rights of third parties. The copyright for the proprietary content of H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH on and is the exclusive property of H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH. Reproduction of graphics, sounds, or texts in other electronic or printed publications is prohibited without the express consent of H-RISKE MANAGEMENT GMBH.


Please keep in mind that e-mails are usually not sent in encrypted format. E-mails may also be lost in spam filters. We do not assume any liability for damages.




If the content or the design of this website violates third-party rights or legal requirements, we ask to be notified at no cost. Possible copyright violations on these pages may not be removed by the copyright holder without our explicit consent We guarantee that the legally objectionable passages will be removed immediately without it being necessary to involve legal counsel. Nevertheless, we will reject any claims to reimbursement of costs if you have not contacted us ahead of time and will file a countersuit if necessary due to violation of the aforementioned requirements.



This disclaimer is an integral part of the web content of the site from which the disclaimer is referenced. Should sections or individual wording in this text not comply with the applicable legal situation either in full or in part, it will not affect the content and validity of the remaining sections of this document.


This legal notice shall be governed and constructed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The English version has been set up for convenience purposes only; the German version of the disclaimer prevails.